Video : Pahlawanku di Lahad Datu

Showing posts with label LAHAD DATU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LAHAD DATU. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Kisah ini adalah kisah benar yang diceritakan oleh seorang anggota keselamatan yang terselamat. Beliau kini lumpuh kedua belah tangannya kerana ditetak oleh pengganas Sulu di Lahad Datu. Nama beliau terpaksa dirahsiakan atas permintaan.

Saya terlebih dahulu memohon maaf kepada semua pembaca yang mungkin tersinggung dengan kisah ini. Namun saya merasakan ianya perlu diceritakan untuk menjadi iktibar kepada semua bahawa apa yang berlaku bukanlah sebuah sandiwara seperti yang didakwa sesetengah pihak.

Saya juga mengucapkan takziah kepada seluruh ahli keluarga wira-wira negara yang terkorban di perbatasan. Hanya Allah yang akan membalasnya dan semoga wira-wira negara ini diletakkan dikalangan para Syuhada'. - Amin ..

Dia ditembak, namun dia bernasib baik kerana tembakan itu tidak tepat kepadanya. Sebaliknya tembakan itu tepat mengena Tuan Ibrahim. Tiba-tiba datang pengganas Sulu dengan parang lalu cuba menetak beliau beberapa kali. Dia menggunakan tangannya untuk menahan tetakan menyebabkan jari-jari dan kedua tangannya hampir putus.

Dia menceritakan, bahawa yang meninggal cukup sifatnya hanyalah Superitenden Ibrahim. Yang lain semuanya meninggal dalam keadaan ngeri. Pengganas seolah-olah hilang ingatan. Walaupun ada anggota kita yang telah mati ditembak, tetapi mereka datang lalu memenggal kepala dan merodok perut mayat dengan parang.

Ada anggota yang telah mati dipotong kaki dan tangannya. Malah dikorek mata jasad yang telah terbujur kaku itu. Mereka mahu pastikan musuh mereka benar-benar mati. Zalim dan kejam itu perkataan yang sesuai untuk perbuatan mereka.

Dia bernasib kerana dalam kesakitan itu, dia melarikan diri ke dalam rumah orang kampung. Dia juga dapat melihat mayat Tuan Ibrahim, diheret oleh seorang anggota yang terselamat ke dalam sebuah rumah yang lain. dua puluh jam dia menahan kesakitan menunggu bantuan sehingga darahnya hampir kering. Dia dapat melihat dengan jelas bagaimana semut-semut datang menghurung luka-lukanya. ALLAH MAHA BESAR, diurunkan hujan dan dia hanya minum air hujan itu.

Akhirnya dia diselamatkan. kedua tangannya yang hampir putus dijahit semula. Namun sehingga kini, dia tidak dapat menggerakkan tangannya itu.

Air matanya berlinangan. Dia tidak akan lupakan pasukannya diserang hendap tempoh hari. Dia juga tidak akan melupakan kekejaman yang dilakukan oleh pengganas-pengganas itu. Mereka terlalu zalim !!

Al-Fatihah buat Pejuang-pejuang yang pergi .. semoaga arwah ditempatkan dikalangan para Syuhada .. Amin Ya Rabb .



Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Benigno Aquino Urged The Sultan of Sulu To End the 'Drama'.

Leave Sabah, Aquino Tells Filipino Rebels

Tuesday, 26 February 2013 19:18

Members of a Malaysian special police unit stand guard in an area where Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein was expected for a visit, near Lahad Datu,  February 19, 2013. The region is close to Kampung Tanduo where a group of armed Filipinos, whom declared themselves followers of a descendant of the Sultan of Sulu, landed in Kampung Tanduao, in the Lahad Datu district on February 12. Malaysia was preparing to deport around 100 Filipinos who made their way into the country last week to reclaim land.Members of a Malaysian special police unit stand guard in an area where Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein was expected for a visit, near Lahad Datu, February 19, 2013. The region is close to Kampung Tanduo where a group of armed Filipinos, whom declared themselves followers of a descendant of the Sultan of Sulu, landed in Kampung Tanduao, in the Lahad Datu district on February 12. Malaysia was preparing to deport around 100 Filipinos who made their way into the country last week to reclaim land.KUALA LUMPUR: Philippine President Benigno Aquino III stepped in today and appealed to a Filipino rebel group leader claiming ownership of Sabah to quit peacefully the Malaysian state in which he has been hiding or face sanctions for his actions.
Aquino was reported to have spoken on Philippine national television early this morning, telling Sultan Jamalul Kiram III that his group should pull out from the coastal village of Tanduo, near Lahad Datu, before the situation gets out of control.

“This is a situation that cannot persist. If you are truly the leader of your people, you should be one with us in ordering your followers to return home peacefully.

“The right thing to do now would be to order your followers to return home as soon as possible,” he was quoted as saying by the Philippine Star.

The Philippine daily reported Aquino telling Jamalul he was risking not only the lives of his men but also the lives of “hundreds of thousands” of other Filipinos working in Malaysia.

Philippine President Benigno Aquino III (L) salutes while walking past military honor troops during ceremonies to mark the 27th anniversary of the People Power Revolution in Quezon City, February 25, 2013.Philippine President Benigno Aquino III (L) salutes while walking past military honor troops during ceremonies to mark the 27th anniversary of the People Power Revolution in Quezon City, February 25, 2013.The Philippine president was also reported to have reminded Jamalul that those Filipinos suffering the consequences of his actions were also Muslims, and told the rebel leader his grievances could be resolved through dialogue.

“The avenue of peaceful and open dialogue is still available to us. Let us therefore sit down as brothers to address your grievances in a peaceful, calm manner according to our laws and according to correct processes when your people arrive home,” Aquino was reported saying.

He warned Jamalul and his men they could face sanctions for breaching their country’s constitution and national policy.

He also reportedly told Jamalul and his men they would be investigated, along with possible collaborators, suggesting that the incident may have been an act to undermine the Philippine government.

“The choices and consequences are yours. If you choose not to co-operate, the full force of the laws of the state will be used to achieve justice for all who have been put in harm’s way,” Aquino was quoted as saying.

The group, suspected of being a faction of a Philippine Muslim rebel group, claims to belong to the “royal army” of the Sulu sultanate and are believed to number about 180 people, with 30 gunmen among its ranks according to news wire The Associated Press.

They had intruded into Malaysia on February 9 and have been reported to have held national security forces at bay amid an enforced blockade that had cut off their food supplies.

Dissent appears to be growing within the group, with several followers of group leader Azzimudie Kiram indicating a desire to return to the Philippines, Malaysia’s The Star Online reported yesterday.

The group had previously said they would not leave Sabah as they are “subjects of the sultanate of Sulu.”

The bizarre drama had threatened to stir tension between the Southeast Asian neighbors whose ties have been periodically frayed by security and migration problems caused by a porous sea border.

News wire Reuters had reported that Malaysia pays a token sum to the sultanate of Sulu each year for the “rental” of Sabah — an arrangement that stretches back to British colonial times.

In 2000, a group of militants from the southern Philippines kidnapped 21 tourists from the Sabah diving resort of Sipadan.

In 1985, 11 people were killed when gunmen, believed to be from the southern Philippines, entered Lahad Datu, shooting at random before robbing the local branch of Standard Chartered Bank.
Source : The Malaysian Digest

Sunday, February 24, 2013



Insiden pencerobohan sudah masuk hari ke 10. Seperti yangg di ketahui pihak polis memberi jaminan bahawa rundingan telah tamat dan proses pengusiran bermula. Oleh kerana pihak bersenjata masih tidak berganjak maka kita mengandaikan bahawa tindakkan seterusnya sudah jelas.

Pihak polis membuat rangkaian sekatan dan cordon yang paling ketat. Baru-baru ini wartawan Al Jazeera di tahan di tengah laut ketika cuba menceroboh.

VAT 69 bersedia untur di atur gerak

Kisahnya bermula apabila IPD Lahad Datu telah menerima maklumat sekumpulan lelaki telah berkumpul di rumah Ahmad Malandi di Kampung Tanduo. Kumpulan ini dipercayai daripada ahli Kesultanan Sulu dari Pulau Sibutu dan Pulau Sipangkot, dilaporkan membawa senjata M16. 

Pihak polis kini mengambil pendekatan ‘berhati-hati’ bagi menghadapi sebarang kemungkinan.

Berita terkini penceroboh2 tersebut berikrar tidak akan meninggalkan negeri itu kerana mendakwa kawasan tersebut merupakan wilayah nenek moyang mereka, mereka tetap bertegas untuk tinggal di tempat berkenaan walaupun mereka dikepung oleh pasukan 

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